Monday, March 30, 2015

Rostraver Hidden Treasures Celebrates 2 Years!

Join us for a celebration of two years in the Rostraver area with City Mission's Hidden Treasures Store on April 11 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Jimmy Sykes will be providing live entertainment, and we'll have food, prizes and a special anniversary sale

Resident Story - Matt S.

Resident Matt S. is so grateful for City mission. "God is working on my heart every day here. He has placed godly people in my life and I continue to grow in His love and word. This Mission leads men and women to a life of healing."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

McCausland Men's Shelter

The McCausland Shelter for Men, established in 1941, provides services to homeless men with or without addiction and/or mental illness. All residents, whether they need to stay in the Mission for a night or a year, receive hot meals, clothing, showers and a safe place to sleep.

The shelter provides an environment that allows our residents to grow and to heal, thus leading them back to independent living. By focusing on the root problems that cause homelessness (lack of affordable housing, underdeveloped employment potential, lack of income, chronic substance abuse, mental health and medical problems and paucity of spiritual development) City Mission provides a secure base for men who formally lived on the streets. 


  • In FY 2013-2014, the McCausland Shelter served 315 adult men and provided 24,543 nights of shelter.
  • City Mission has experienced overcrowding as homelessness has spiked in our region. However, no one is turned away. The Shelter also houses up to 25 men each night in the overflow Chapel area during cold weather.
  • According to recent studies, the average success rate of substance abuse treatment centers is between three and eight percent. The success rate for McCausland Shelter residents for FY 2013-2014 was far higher - 45 percent overall in the domain of substance abuse recovery alone.
  • Over 37 percent of Shelter residents enroll in our long-term program, where they receive free medical care, legal services, vocational training, Biblically-based counseling, internal case management and outside referrals. The overall success rate for FY 2013-2014 was 39 percent for men who stayed in the program for longer than 90 days.
  • McCausland Shelter staff works collaboratively with over 30 other organizations, ranging from community hospitals to drug and alcohol providers to mental health facilities and other social service agencies, to serve the resident population.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Birthdays for City Mission

Ten-year-old Oliva Vettorel, pictured here with her mother Kyra, recently had a birthday party and asked all of her friends to bring donations to City Mission instead of gifts. "Most people that come here to City Mission don't have much," she said. "And I already have lots of toys." She presented the Mission with a generous donation check.

"Olivia has a very generous heart," said mom Kyra. "She's always trying to find new ways to help people."  Thanks so much for helping City Mission, Olivia!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hidden Treasures Grand Opening

On Tuesday, March 17 City Mission celebrated the grand re-opening of Hidden Treasures in Washington. Hidden Treasures was formally located on Jefferson Avenue but closed that location at the end of December 2014. Hidden Treasures can now be found at the corner of West Beau and Washington in the old Three Rivers Auction Building.
City Mission is very blessed to be serving in the community of Washington and wanted to invite everyone to join in this grand celebration. Over 75 people attended the ribbon cutting ceremony and heard remarks from Mayor Brenda Davis and State Senator Camera Bartolotta.

Thank you to County Commissioner Irey Vaughan, County Commissioner Maggi, Senator Bartolotta, Dean Gartland, Mayor Davis and County Commissioner Shober for coming to City Mission's Grand Re-opening of Hidden Treasures in Washington.

Calling All Volunteers!

Pictured here is the American Baptist Women's Ministries group who volunteered at the Monongahela Hidden Treasures Store on March 7.

Thirteen ladies sorted and priced clothing and bric-brac. The group is planning on making this a monthly project. They would like to encourage other women's organizations to prayerfully consider doing a project like this; the time went fast and they accomplished a lot for the store. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Donations From the Whole Family

We love community involvement at City Mission!  Pictured here is Michael Tyhonas, a high honors student at California High School, sorting donated toiletries for the women of Avis Arbor and putting them into colorful zippered bags. This is a family charitable activity ---Michael's mother Michelle, who owns a nail salon, offers a $5 off coupon to anyone who donates to the ongoing project.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"The Gathering" Benefits City Mission

For the Community Service Phase of Christopher Freitag-Shaw's Senior Project, he arranged an event titled "The Gathering" that promoted togetherness and unity for the community. It included inspirational music from groups within the community as well as Donna Bussey from City Mission, who spoke on the Mission's plans for its Veterans Shelter Project. Donations for the Veteran's Shelter were raised through a free-will offering and the selling of refreshments. Thank you, Christopher for organizing this entertaining and educational evening!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mark Your Calendars

On March 17, City Mission will celebrate a grand re-opening of its Washington Hidden Treasures store at a new location. Hidden Treasures in Washington, formerly on Jefferson Avenue, can be found on the corner of Washington and West Beau Street in the former Three Rivers Auction building with free parking directly across the street.

The opening ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m. in Hidden Treasures with prayer, remarks from noted figures of City Mission and the community, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, benediction and an invitation to shop the new store. Everything is on sale and with a St. Patrick's Day-themed opening, there will be plenty of savings for those who attend the celebration!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Feeding the Hungry

For the homeless and hungry, a good, hot meal can be the first step to recovery. Once we meet the physical needs of our residents we can address the spiritual needs and reach out to them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

City Mission served 92,336 hot meals in the fiscal year of 2013-14. We serve three nutritious meals per day, 365 days per year (with some modifications for holiday schedules) for our residents and the community. Meal times can vary; please call (724) 222-8530 ext. 222 to speak with the Food Services Manager for an updated meal schedule.

To make a donation please click here

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Assembly 588 Donation

Assembly 588 Donation
Many thanks to Assembly 588 of the National Slovak Society (NSS)! The organization recently made a generous donation to City Mission. Pictured here with Director of Development Dr. Sally Mounts are Joe Stefka, Chairman of the NSS National Board and Annette Stefka, Recording Secretary of Assembly 588. We love working with community groups that share our vision of ending homelessness.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Longtime Partner

Thanks to our Longtime Partner
We'd  like to take this opportunity to thank our longtime partner in tackling homelessness in the region, United Way of Washington County. Last year, the United Way assisted us by providing funding for our McCausland Men's Shelter, Avis Arbor Women and Children's Shelter, Arbuckle Medical Clinic and Samaritan Care Services. We appreciate their help more than we can say!